I am sure most of you will currently be receiving communications from organisations and retail establishments outlining what effect and implications the COVID-19 virus is having on daily trade and business. Your Art Club is no different and I write to explain how we are currently affected and what the immediate future holds.
Your monthly Club meetings are now cancelled for the immediate future – definitely April (AGM) and May. Your March meeting was held on the cusp of developments and whilst the demonstrator cancelled, the meeting proceeded with sterling efforts from Brian Nunn and Keith Robson to a reduced audience.
Club activities are suspended due to Government guidelines on club gatherings and of course the fact that our meeting venue at Hartlepool Art Gallery is also closed. Indeed we now have the closure of The Causeway pub and the Salvation Army venue will not be far behind. Of course, any member over the age of 70 or with underlying health conditions or with close relatives showing signs of illness would be most unwise to be doing anything but self isolate and social distancing!
So, what next?
Your Committee “met” via e-mail last Wednesday (18th March) and confirmed the above and following arrangement:-
- The AGM will be held over to a future date.
- Your current Committee will remain in position until a future AGM.
- The Station exhibition at Richmond has also closed and Sue Osbon will communicate with exhibiting members regarding return of paintings and a partial refund of entry fee.
- The earliest Club meeting will possibly be June 2020 but please be prepared for a longer break.
- Your club finances remain healthy and as we are not meeting then we are not expending funds on Gallery hire and Speaker expenses.
- However you will be wondering about “value for money” in regard to your Annual Subscriptions, your Committee have therefore recommended an automatic extension or “roll-over” for as long as this national crisis exists. Please allow the Committee to finalise this detail in due course.
- You will be kept up to date with developments via the monthly newsletter and information will be uploaded onto the new Club website and Facebook page.
Thank you and I trust everyone stays well and healthy in the coming weeks.
With best wishes
John Mennear
Club Chairman