Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings are usually held at Hartlepool’s prestigious Art Gallery, Christ Church, Church Square on the second Wednesday monthly between 7 pm to 9 pm (doors open 6.40 pm).  There’s always a warm friendly welcome whether you join us as a keen beginner, an experienced painter or just have an interest in art.

Guests at monthly meetings are welcome at a cost of £6, should any guest wish to join later this year then any amounts paid in this manner will be deducted from the £25 membership subscription. For more information see our Join Us section.

Under 18s no charge but under 16s accompanying adult must pay the visitor charge or join the club and pay the member charge.

Cost for art club members is £3.

No charge for outdoor meetings.

Upcoming Meetings

July 10th 2024 – Keith Robson – creating art with coffee – interactive demonstration

Previous Meetings

June 12th 2024 – Lynton Parmar-Hemsley – Portrait demo of an audience member

May 8th 2024 – The Peacock and the Print Maker ( Heather Moore) -Lino Cutting and printing layers

April 10th 2024 – Annual General Meeting

March 13th 2024 – Dr Narbi Price – Talk about his work

February 14th 2024 – Malcolm Davies – The design & production of stained glass

January 10th 2024 – Mel Roberts – Pet portrait using pastels

December 13th 2023 – Charles Evans – Seagulls in Acrylic

November 8th 2023 – Charles Evans – Seagulls in Acrylic (POSTPONED DUE TO ILLNESS)

October 11th 2023 – Colin Joyce – Seascapes in Watercolour

September 13th 2023 – Ian Lightfoot – Critique of members work

August 9th 2023 – Roy Carless – ‘More damn trees in acrylic and oil!’

July 12th 2023 – Outdoor painting at Ward Jackson Park

June 14th 2023 – Outdoor painting at Home Farm, Hart Village

10th May 2023 – Stephen Coates – Realistic reflections in watercolour

12th April 2023 – Annual General Meeting

8th March 2023 – Joe Hush – ‘The Proposal’

8th February 2023 – Alan Read – Watercolour demonstration

11th January 2023 – Susanna Heath – Oil painting – “mixing the colour you see”

14th December 2022 – Keith Robson – Fimo interactive demonstration

9th November 2022 – Ian Lightfoot – Art of Still Life

12th October 2022 – Andrew Storrie – Landscapes in watercolour

14th September 2022 – Critique of work – Cancelled due to the sad death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

10th August 2022 – John Harrison – Pen and Wash

13th July 2022 – Outdoor meeting – Elwick Village

8th June 2022 – Outdoor meeting – Hartlepool headland

11th May 2022 – Keith Robson
13th April 2022 – Annual General Meeting
9th March 2022 – Geoff Hewitt – Figurative Art

9th February 2022 – Ted Parker to talk to us about The Art of Steam

12th January 2022 – Jo Pickering – Portrait in Acrylic

8th December 2021Ted Parker to talk to us about The Art of Steam – postponed

10th November 2021 – Keith Robson – Dr Martin’s Inks

13th October 2021Jo Pickering (Portrait in Acrylic) – postponed

8th September 2021 – Ian Lightfoot Lockdown Artwork Critique Session

11th August 2021 – Bruce Mulcahy Gouache Demo

14th July 2021 – Joe Hush (Acrylic)

9th June 2021 – Outdoor meeting at Home Farm

***Due to the strict Lockdown restrictions in place we have been unable to offer our monthly demonstration meetings – indoor or outdoor.

Tuesday 13th October 2020 – Re-scheduled AGM & Ted Parker Demo on Perspective Cancelled due to increased Government restrictions

Tuesday 8th September 2020 – Charles Evans Watercolour Demo (Golden Lion Pub)

12th August 2020 – Outdoor Meeting with Roy Carless (St Hilda’s Church car park, The Headland)

8th July 2020 – Outdoor Meeting with Roy Carless (Hart Village Churchyard)

10th June 2020 – **Postponed due to Government Advice

13th May 2020 – Jo Pickering (Portraits) – **Postponed due to Government Advice

8th April 2020 – Annual General Meeting**Postponed due to Government Advice

11th March 2020 – Jackie Hadwin (Painting Animals in Watercolour & Pen) **To Be Re-scheduled due to COVID-19

12th February 2020 – Clive Wiley (Painting Landscapes in Watercolour)

8th January 2020 – David Carless (Digital Art Demonstration)

11th December 2019 – Sarah Hill (Painting Landscapes in Watercolour)