
Workshops are led by visiting speakers and are held throughout the year. This is a golden opportunity to work with particular artists and benefit from their instruction.

The cost for the workshops is approx £25 for members and £30 for non-members. Observers are welcome at a cost of £3 for members and £5 for non-members. Tea and coffee are provided, please bring a packed lunch.

For more information contact Liz on

Upcoming Workshops:

Our next workshop is yet to be planned- watch this space for further details. If you have any requests please drop Liz an email on

Previous Workshops:

11th May 2024 – Colin Joyce – Harbour Scene watercolour- 10am-4pm Salvation Army Hall

13th October 2022 – Andrew Storrie – watercolour – 10am-4pm Salvation Army Hall

10th March 2022 – Geoff Hewitt – figurative workshop using acrylics – 10am-4pm Salvation Army Hall

14th March 2020 – Joe Hush Painting Day Special

12th March 2020 – Jackie Hadwin Animals in Watercolour Workshop **Update: To be re-scheduled due to COVID-19 pandemic.

13th February 2020 – Clive Wiley Watercolour Workshop